Use Negative Personas to Stop Attracting the Wrong Users - Audience Ops (2024)

Remember the idea behind Groupon?

The company would approach local merchants – restaurants, yoga studios, flower shops and the like – and convince them to offer Groupon subscribers in their area a service for a discount. Delighted members could get a 2-for-1 entree or a buy-one-get-one-free class, saving a ton on regular rates. Who can resist BOGO brunch?!

Groupon convinced merchants that these “loss leader” high-percentage off deals would bring in droves of new customers, leading to a brand-new customer base. Groupon would handle all the details and bring the audience for the coupon – all the merchant had to do was pay some service fees to Groupon and honor the coupon.

The only problem? The “loss leaders” became permanent losses.

The people who came in brandishing 50 percent off coupons turned out to be people hunting for deals – not people looking to become repeat customers of new establishments. Merchants saw very little return for their investment.

Today, Groupon’s stock languishes in the bargain basem*nt and competitor LivingSocial fares little better. The slow fade of their business model can be partially attributed to merchants getting wise to their pitch.

They’ve learned – it stinks to shell out money to attract the wrong kind of customer.

So what does this story have to do with content marketing? A lot!

Like many content marketers, we believe firmly in the value of targeted buyer personas and knowing your ideal audience so you can tailor your content to provide solutions to their problems.

What we also know is that there’s a dark side to those sunny, aspirational “Founder Fred” and “Marketer Mary” personas – the customer you don’t want.

That’s why negative personas are almost as important as your buyer persona. They help you figure out how to repel the customers who will waste an enormous amount of your resources and time (which for a startup founder is a resource).

“But, Claire,” you might be thinking, “We’re not at the point right now where we can turn a ton of customers away or risk alienating people who might pay for the product.”

And it’s true that casting a wide net might snag you more paying users than if you’re only fishing in one spot. Your initial numbers might be awesome. But you’ll end up “spending” more resources on the poor-fit prospects and customers than they’ll be worth.

As Ann Handley of MarketingProfs writes at GetResponse, “It’s a waste of time and resources to nurture relationships with people who are a bad fit for your business. It makes your nurturing programs seem far less robust than they actually are.”

How to Use Negative Personas and Failed User Journeys

Negative personas are also called exclusionary personas. Marketing teams create them to learn who to avoid talking to when creating messaging, content and various other plays.

Creating these can help you fine-tune your marketing strategy.

1. Help your team understand what bad fit looks like and why.

A lot of times, your team will be the ones who encounter these people first. They’re on the front lines and may have been dealing with failing customers for a long time before you’re made aware of an issue.

Educating and empowering your team to flag these types of prospects and customers themselves can lead to much better early detection.

Part of creating a good persona is to help your team understand what a bad fit looks like – as opposed to, say, a difficult customer who’s still a good fit.

HubSpot discusses creating exclusionary personas and recommends marketers include real quotes from real people to help your team recognize these customer archetypes in the future.

Use Negative Personas to Stop Attracting the Wrong Users - Audience Ops (1)

Providing specifics for your team can help everyone chip in to raise red flags on bad-fit prospects and customers. Credit: HubSpot

2. Understand where your product fails this user.

It’s important to remember that although they may be causing you a lot of grief, bad-fit customers are not bad people.

After all, it’s your product that’s failing them. And it was your marketing that didn’t lay out your value proposition thoroughly enough or articulate who this product is for.

It’s your responsibility to recognize where you’re going wrong and make a plan to move this customer off of your product, while helping them understand why your product isn’t a good fit.

Creating a document that outlines the typical journey of a user who can’t achieve success with your product helps you set up better filters and scoring models that will help you identify these poor fits earlier.

It can also help you arm your customer success team with the right language to defuse an upset user. If you can show you understand where the product has failed them and you understand their concerns, you might be able to keep that person as a fan of your company even while you’re helping them to stop using your product.

3. Use the process of creating a negative persona to sharpen your ideal persona.

Growing a business is a learning process. Especially in the early stage, your ideal persona is pretty aspirational, and you might not know if you really have good product-market fit until you have some real customers to test with.

You can get a silver lining out of the process of working on negative personas, or simply the learning process of going through your first bad breakup with a bad fit customer. Use that experience to make your ideal personas better.

Realized that businesses in a certain stage are a terrible fit for your product, even though the business fit your profile? Add to your profile and specify the stages you now know are the right fit, for example.

4. Speak more directly to your ideal persona.

Once you’re solid on who you really want to be using your product, address everything to that person. For instance, we know that Audience Ops could be a great tool for marketing managers – and we work with a ton of awesome marketing managers. They’re a successful customer for us.

But, we’re really targeted at founders. We’ve found our product works best for a founder whose company has outgrown his or her ability to create content themselves.

We position all our messaging toward founders, including our home page:

Use Negative Personas to Stop Attracting the Wrong Users - Audience Ops (2)

…and on our blog landing page:

Use Negative Personas to Stop Attracting the Wrong Users - Audience Ops (3)

5. Actively talk about who you aren’t for.

We do this at Audience Ops too. While we love helping our clients with done-for-you content marketing, we’re not the right fit for everyone. We know this through experience and also because we’ve actively refined our product to be the right fit for a specific customer.

So we describe our ideal customer in most of our website landing pages, including this language from our “New Here?” blog landing page:

Use Negative Personas to Stop Attracting the Wrong Users - Audience Ops (4)

This isn’t exclusionary language – it’s setting expectations for which visitors will find our blog content helpful. That lessens the chance that anyone navigates away thinking, “What a waste of time that was for me,” if they’re not the right fit anyway. Think of it as a little self-qualifying exercise for your prospects that saves you having to do that later on in the process.

If Your Funnel is Too Wide, It’s Worth Taking Time to Fix

The most important thing to understand about the customers who are a bad fit is that you must let them go.

Do not fall into the trap of altering your processes for these people. If you’re spending 80 percent of your time greasing the squeaky wheel who is the wrong type of customer altogether, it will have long-term adverse effects on your team.

As Ann Handley writes for GetResponse, “It’s also emotionally exhausting” to spend time and resources on people who are a bad fit. Your team will get burned out trying to help this person to success that can’t be achieved with your product.

Working on negative personas and understanding where and why your users fail can be the first step in tightening up your marketing and sales processes.

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Use Negative Personas to Stop Attracting the Wrong Users - Audience Ops (2024)


What is a negative buyer persona is and why we should have one? ›

A negative persona is a semi-fictional representation of your least likely customer profiles. They're also called exclusionary personas, and they're a collection of the needs, values, and behaviors of individuals that differentiate them from your ideal customer.

How effective are customer personas? ›

Customer personas help businesses understand the people they're trying to sell to and how those people will be using their product or service – they're particularly useful for marketing and product design departments.

Why you should create a negative persona? ›

Negative buyer personas help you deepen your understanding of your ideal customers and make your marketing efforts more accurate. Unpacking why your products aren't good fits for some users can help you discover new reasons why they're perfect for others and finetune your marketing efforts accordingly.

What is an example of buyer persona behavior? ›

Some examples include:
  • Name. A made-up persona name can be useful for helping a marketing team discuss their customers and plan how to reach them.
  • Job. ...
  • Age. ...
  • Interests. ...
  • Media usage. ...
  • Finances. ...
  • Brand affinities.
Jul 22, 2022

What is the danger of personas? ›

There's a fundamental flaw with the personas

For personas to be useful, the data captured in a persona should reflect the goal for that persona and the scope of work it is meant to impact. Often, people create the wrong tool for their needs or they want to (re)use personas created for a very different purpose.

What are the weaknesses of user personas? ›

Weaknesses of personas
  • The wrong people working on the personas. Let's pretend your business is selling telecommunication equipment to corporations. ...
  • Not enough personas / Too many personas. ...
  • Working with incorrect data.
Jul 27, 2016

What is a persona example? ›

What is an example of a user persona? An example of an average user persona can consist of a name, occupation information, demographics, a personal story, pain points, and challenges. With these elements involved, the user persona is more likely to demonstrate a real human being accurate.

What are the 3 categories of user personas? ›

3 Persona Types: Lightweight, Qualitative, and Statistical.

How do you use personas effectively? ›

Ensure your personas are realistic, specific and relevant to your project. Finally validate and refine your personas by getting feedback from your team and stakeholders. Test the personas with real customers to see if they resonate with them. As you learn more about your customers update the personas accordingly.

What are the benefits of user personas? ›

User personas add a human touch to your research facts. It also makes you identify the patterns in your research and the type of people you will design your product or service for. It will also shed light on some important questions that the customers can have.

What is the purpose of customer personas? ›

Personas are powerful tools that aid in marketing and customer experience planning, as they offer insight into what customers want and how they will engage. Personas are used to design messaging, customer journeys, service experiences and product features to meet customer expectations and needs.

How personas help in design thinking? ›

A persona is an archetype of a user that helps designers and developers empathize by understanding their users' business and personal contexts. By basing personas on user research, teams can avoid the pitfalls of designing for anecdotal, "fake," or extreme users.

What is a persona in the context of user centered design? ›

Background: Personas in User-Centered Design ( UCD )

[1] A persona is a fictional characterization of a user. The purpose of personas is to make the users seem more real, to help designers keep realistic ideas of users throughout the design process.

What are the different types of buyer personas? ›

Competitive, Spontaneous, Humanistic, and Methodical are the four types of online purchasing personas. Knowing how each persona thinks and acts could help you exponentially when creating your online strategy.

How does persona affect the audience? ›

Personas turn your target audiences from dry data sets into individuals – personal, human and alive. They create a feeling of empathy for customers and clearly illustrate the differences between target audiences in terms of their personalities, attitudes and values.

Should a persona be a real person? ›

Personas are made-up people, but they should be made up based on information about real people. (Imaginary-friend personas that you dream up without any basis in the real world may describe the users you hope to get but will not reflect the way people actually are.

What is one disadvantage of having too many personas? ›

Creating too many buyer personas will inevitably segment your target audience to the point where creating content for each individual persona is simply impossible (unless you have the resource, of course) and dilutes your focus.

How do you create a persona? ›

5 terrific tips for creating user personas
  1. Don't confuse demographic and persona. ...
  2. Start small, expand after. ...
  3. Don't just 'come up' with personas: base them on real people. ...
  4. Talk to your users in person, if you can. ...
  5. Keep an open mind.

What are persona behaviors? ›

Behavioural personas primarily describe target audiences that are grouped by behaviours rather than demographic traits. In this context, a persona represents a group of consumers rather than a single entity with similar ways of thinking and behavior in relation to a specific service.

How do you define target persona? ›

A target persona is a fictional profile of a person who represents one of your key target audience groups, based on characteristics of your customers. It's also sometimes known as a buyer persona.

How do you avoid bias in personas? ›

To limit potential bias in persona imagery:

Try an action image over a stationary headshot for stronger, emphasized attributes. Black and white images can minimize the potential influence of race and culture. The more abstraction, the better.

What are the two types of personas? ›

The two types of personas to consider are proto (provisional) personas and full personas. Each has its place in marketing, and aspects like business objectives, time, budget and current state knowledge all come into play when making a recommendation on personas.

What are the two main types of customer personas? ›

Buyer persona: represents your ideal target customer to purchase your product or service. Because they have the highest relation to your revenue, they play a significant role in your marketing strategies, and sales funnel. User persona: represents the users or the customers using your product or service.

How does a user persona look like? ›

The user persona normally consists of both a fictional name and a picture of the person. This is followed by a short bio, along with a description of their age, gender, occupation, hobbies, likes and dislikes, which are non-fictional and based on real aggregated data.

What is the true meaning of persona? ›

1. : a character assumed by an author in a written work. 2. a. plural personas [New Latin, from Latin] : an individual's social facade or front that especially in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung reflects the role in life the individual is playing compare anima.

What does your persona mean? ›

the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: He had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona.

Why do personas work? ›

Creating personas can help designers step out of themselves and recognize that different people have different needs and expectations. By thinking about the needs of a fictional persona, designers may be better able to infer what a real person might need.

What is the difference between audience and persona? ›

Buyer personas differ from target audiences in that they are much more focused. Whereas a target audience defines a group of customers, a buyer persona zooms in to look at specific members of that group. These zoomed-in portraits are archetypes of individual customers.

What is the difference between persona and user? ›

Buyer personas aren't necessarily users, but they can be. User personas focus on details such as ease of use. Buyer personas are more interested in higher-level goals. Keep in mind that a buyer persona may be a team of decision-makers with different goals and expectations.

What are key personas? ›

Key Points

Personas are a powerful tool for making informed decisions about your product or marketing plan by helping you understand your customer's values, pain points, and goals. Personas are fictional, generalized characters specifically created to target users or customers with specific characteristics and goals.

What are the simple steps to build effective persona? ›

  1. Do your research. The best place to start is with your existing customers and prospects. ...
  2. Analyze the data and identify your personas. ...
  3. Find a persona tool or template. ...
  4. Make them human. ...
  5. Write your personas. ...
  6. Refine. ...
  7. Make them pretty. ...
  8. Incorporate them into your processes.

How do you make powerful personas? ›

  1. Step 1: Do research. Source: ...
  2. Step 2: Segment your audience. ...
  3. Step 3: Decide on the layout. ...
  4. Step 4: Set demographic info. ...
  5. Step 5: Describe Persona's background. ...
  6. Step 6: Define Persona's goals. ...
  7. Step 7: Define motivations and frustrations. ...
  8. Step 8: Add other ingredients.
May 16, 2023

How can you effectively use personas to communicate with customers? ›

Get very specific about how to talk to the persona, down to the exact words and phrases used in campaigns and ads to position your product or service in a relevant way. Develop some common language than anyone in your business can use when talking with the persona to ensure everyone is delivering a consistent message.

Why do personas matter? ›

Personas can be a helpful tool for branding, marketing, strategy, and more. Audience Personas are not only an invaluable tool for understanding the needs and behaviors of specific audience segments — they can be extremely helpful to inform business strategy, brand strategy and employee training and development.

What is the purpose of creating personas and scenarios? ›

Personas allow us to understand our primary users and create a product that works for them. Scenario-based Design: A scenario describes a specific target user trying to achieve a particular goal or perform a specific task in one particular context.

What is the purpose of using user personas in developing services? ›

User personas — aka buyer or marketing personas — help you pinpoint how to communicate with your target audience more effectively. The goal of a user persona is to help you market your services with customers' pain points in mind.

What are personas for customer experience? ›

What is a CX Persona? CX Personas are fictionalized archetypes representing your customer. They help everyone in your organization identify who this person really is, instead of relying on collective data that dehumanizes the customer.

What are examples of a person's persona? ›

What is an example of a user persona? An example of an average user persona can consist of a name, occupation information, demographics, a personal story, pain points, and challenges. With these elements involved, the user persona is more likely to demonstrate a real human being accurate.

What are examples of someone's persona? ›

Famous literary examples of persona abound. We think about William Blake writing in the voice of a young chimney sweeper, or Sylvia Plath writing in the voice of Lady Lazarus, or Gwendolyn Brooks writing in the voice of teenagers who have skipped school to play pool at a bar.

What are the flaws of personas? ›

Even the most well-researched personas have limitations

Another major problem is: Manufactured personas often fall flat, coming across as abstract or one-dimensional. In this case, they don't seem like real people, and it is hard for employees and customers to really relate to or empathize with them.

What is an example of persona behavior? ›

Behavioral personas are cost-effective: as you already have the user data from user research. For example, a usual persona would be “Mark, Male age 35-45 years old, Father of two, married, college graduate, own a house, is interested in: sports, cars, racing, … etc.

What are the Big 5 personality personas? ›

The Big 5 personality traits are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

How do I create a user persona example? ›

5 terrific tips for creating user personas
  1. Don't confuse demographic and persona. ...
  2. Start small, expand after. ...
  3. Don't just 'come up' with personas: base them on real people. ...
  4. Talk to your users in person, if you can. ...
  5. Keep an open mind.
Aug 17, 2022

What is a good persona? ›

Effective personas: Represent a major user group for your website. Express and focus on the major needs and expectations of the most important user groups. Give a clear picture of the user's expectations and how they're likely to use the site.

What is audience persona? ›

That's where audience personas can help. Personas are fictional profiles that represent groups of similar people in a target audience. They can help you figure out how to reach people on a more personal level, while delivering the right messages, offers, and products at the right time.

What is a persona person? ›

a person's perceived or evident personality, as that of a well-known official, actor, or celebrity; personal image; public role.

What are the three personas? ›

3 Persona Types: Lightweight, Qualitative, and Statistical.

What is persona vs personality? ›

The primary difference between person and personality is that persona refers to a character considered by a performance artist or a writer and personality refers to the psychological characteristics of an individual. Persona can be used in daily usage. It is a character or a social role played by actors.


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.