How much to ask for in a personal injury settlement? (2024)

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How much to ask for in a personal injury settlement? (1)

After using a settlement formula to calculate your damages, you should generally ask for a settlement that is up to two or three as high as the formula’s results. This request is made in your demand letter. This letter is the beginning of settlement negotiations.

By asking for more than what you are likely owed, you are generally more likely to reach a higher settlement than if you start with a lower demand. On the other hand, if your demand is too exorbitant or flatly unreasonable, the other side may ignore it and not engage you in negotiations.

What is a fair personal injury settlement amount?

A fair personal injury settlement is one that fully compensates you. You deserve to be compensated for all of your losses that stemmed from the accident. This includes your:

  • medical bills,
  • reasonably anticipated future medical expenses, like physical therapy,
  • lost wages and other forms of lost income while you were recovering,
  • any lost earning capacity due to any disabilities that the accident will leave you with,
  • pain and suffering,
  • loss of consortium for your loved ones, and
  • property damage.

A fair personal injury settlement will cover all of these losses.

The insurance companies that usually cover the negligent party, however, will try to minimize the payout. They do this because they are for-profit companies. They protect their bottom line by minimizing the amount of the claims they pay to injured parties.

Insurance adjusters do this by making an initial settlement offer that is way too low to cover your losses. However, the amount and the timing of this offer is designed to make it appealing. It often covers your medical treatment, right when the bills are about to become due. The hope is that the financial pressures will make you settle the case for a fraction of what you deserve. Some insurance adjusters will even make the offer seem like a one-time opportunity.

It is important to remember that the initial settlement offer is only the beginning. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can make a counteroffer by sending a demand letter. That counteroffer should include an appropriate settlement amount.

How can I calculate an appropriate accident settlement?

There are 2 major formulas for calculating an appropriate settlement amount:

  1. multiplier formula, and
  2. per diem.

The results of both of these calculations of your personal injury damages, however, can be reduced by 3 different factors:

  1. shared fault rules,
  2. damage caps, and
  3. insurance availability.

A personal injury attorney can help you understand what an average settlement amount would look like in your case. His or her legal team can also provide the legal advice and representation needed to maximize that amount and then demand it in a personal injury settlement.

Multiplier method

The multiplier method is commonly used by insurance companies to estimate how much a jury would award you in a personal injury trial. The formula is: Economic damages + (economic damages x multiplier). Personal injury lawyers frequently use this method to decide how much to ask for in a personal injury settlement.

Your economic damages are those that can be easily stated in a dollar amount. They are your:

  • medical bills,
  • lost wages,
  • lost earning capacity, and
  • property damage.

These economic damages are then multiplied by a number between 1 and 5 to estimate your non-economic damages. Your non-economic damages are those that cannot be easily stated in a dollar amount. They include compensation for:

  • physical pain,
  • mental anguish,
  • emotional distress, especially if the injuries cause a disfigurement,
  • loss of consortium, and
  • loss of enjoyment of life.

The multiplier number is based on the severity of your injuries and how much the accident impacted your life. Minor accidents generally get assigned a 1. Major accidents get a higher number.

For example: Joan slips and falls and breaks her wrist. Based on her medical records, her economic damages are $20,000 for the healthcare she has received. The accident does not keep her out of work and does not seriously impact her life – she just has to wear a cast for 6 months. The insurance adjuster assigns a multiplier of 1.5 to Joan’s case. This puts the estimate for Joan’s non-economic damages at $30,000 ($20,000 times 1.5). Using the multiplier method, a fair settlement value would be $50,000 ($20,000 for her economic damages, plus $30,000 for her non-economic damages).

Note that the multiplier method does not account for punitive damages. These damages are rarely awarded in cases based on negligence, though, unless they have unique circ*mstances.

Per diem method

The per diem method is a different way of estimating your non-economic damages. It pays a certain amount of money for every day that you experience pain and suffering. That amount is then added to your economic damages from the accident. This can give you an idea of how much to ask for in a personal injury case.

The set rate for your pain and suffering is generally calculated by your daily earnings.

For example: Zach suffers a brain injury and other serious injuries in a truck accident. He suffers $300,000 in economic damages. He suffers physical pain from his severe injuries for 180 days after the accident. Before the crash, he was earning $200 per day. Based on the per diem calculation, his pain and suffering damages are estimated at $36,000 ($200 times 180). A fair settlement amount would then be $336,000.

Shared fault reduction

If you were partially to blame for the accident, your compensation can get reduced. Depending on the state where the accident happened, your award can be dropped by your percentage of fault or eliminated completely. The difference depends on your state’s shared fault rules. That reduction should influence how much compensation you ask for.

Most states use comparative negligence for shared fault situations. In these states, the jury in a personal injury trial will assign a percentage of fault to every party in the case. As the victim and plaintiff, your compensation will then be reduced by your percentage of fault.

States that use comparative negligence rules for shared fault accidents fall into 2 categories:

  1. pure comparative negligence states, like California,1 that always reduce your compensation by your percentage of fault, and
  2. modified comparative negligence states, like Texas,2 that bar recovery if you were more than half at fault.

A couple of states, like Virginia,3 use contributory negligence for shared fault accidents. In these states, you will be barred from recovering any compensation if you contributed any fault at all to the accident, even just 1 percent.

If you were partially to blame for the accident, you can expect the insurance company to offer less money to settle the case.

Damage cap limitation

If there is a damage cap, it will limit your compensation. If you ask for more money than an applicable damage cap allows, the insurance company will deny your request.

Damage caps are state laws that limit an accident victim’s compensation. Many only limit the non-economic damages that you can recover. Most are restricted to certain types of personal injury claims, such as medical malpractice.

California is one example. As of January 1, 2023, the damage cap statute limits non-economic damages in medical malpractice claims to $350,000 in non-fatal cases and $500,000 in fatal cases. Though this limit increases each new year.4

Lack of insurance coverage

In many cases, the insurance policies that cover the accident will have policy limits. This is the highest amount that the insurer will pay out. Once the insurance policy limit has been hit, you will have to look for other sources of compensation. This often requires holding the at-fault party personally liable. This makes it more difficult to recover what you are owed.

These insurance limitations should be taken into account when asking for a settlement amount.

Should I ask for a higher payout?

Once you calculate a fair settlement offer, it is often wise to ask for more. The settlement process is a negotiation, or a series of offers and counteroffers. If you initially ask for a fair settlement amount, you will either have to:

  • refuse to compromise during the negotiations, or
  • compromise to an amount that is lower than what you deserve.

Many personal injury lawyers ask for an amount that is between 75 and 100 percent higher than what was calculated to be a fair settlement. This number may be reduced if you were partially to blame for the accident or if there are damage caps applicable.

By asking for a higher amount in the demand letter, it creates room to compromise without undercompensating you. By asking for nearly twice as much as what might be fair, your initial demand is not so unreasonable that it fails to move the negotiation forward.

The best way to come up with a reasonable demand is to establish an attorney-client relationship with an accident attorney.

Does this just apply to car accidents or to other personal injury cases?

Asking for a certain amount of compensation in a demand letter is something that you will likely have to do in all personal injury situations. These include:

  • auto accidents,
  • dog bites,
  • premises liability claims,
  • products liability claims, and
  • medical malpractice.

How can a personal injury lawyer help?

An experienced personal injury attorney from a reputable law firm can help accident victims at this stage in the process in several ways. They can:

  • appropriately estimate your losses,
  • make an informed judgment about the adequacy of the initial settlement offer,
  • draft an effective demand letter, and
  • show the insurance company that you intend to pursue the full amount of compensation that you are entitled to receive.

In many cases, you will find that the offers the insurance company is making will jump as soon as you get legal representation. This is because the insurance company has realized that you are unlikely to accept a lowball offer, now. They will have to make a serious offer to end the case before a personal injury lawsuit is filed.

Legal References:

  1. Li v. Yellow Cab Co., 13 Cal.3d 804 (1975).
  2. Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code 33.001.
  3. Coutlakis v. CSX Transportation, Inc., 796 S.E.2d 556 (2017).
  4. California Civil Code 3333.2 CIV. Assembly Bill 35 (2022). (Prior to 2023, the non-economic damages cap in med-mal cases was $250,000.)

About the Author

How much to ask for in a personal injury settlement? (2)

Neil Shouse

A former Los Angeles prosecutor, attorney Neil Shouse graduated with honors from UC Berkeley and Harvard Law School (and completed additional graduate studies at MIT). He has been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, Dr Phil, The Today Show and Court TV. Mr Shouse has been recognized by the National Trial Lawyers as one of the Top 100 Criminal and Top 100 Civil Attorneys.

How much to ask for in a personal injury settlement? (2024)


How much to ask for in a personal injury settlement? ›

All personal injury cases are unique, but you should ask for no less than the average based on your situation, which could be anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 or even as much as millions for catastrophic, permanent injuries.

How much money should I ask for in a settlement? ›

To get a general idea of settlement, add up the costs in medical bills, damages, and lost wages, and multiply the sum by three. This may be around the amount in the settlement you can receive after a car accident. Compensation for pain and suffering is only given to those who are injured in a car accident.

How much are most personal injury settlements? ›

An average personal injury settlement amount is anywhere between $3,000 and $75,000. Be careful when using an average personal injury settlement calculator to give you an idea of what you may stand to collect. These numbers really depend on your individual case and are hard to predict without a professional.

What is considered a good settlement? ›

A good settlement offer should not only be able to cover your hospital bills and legal fees, but it should also be equivalent to close to a years' worth of your current wages, especially in cases where your injuries may be permanent or cause some kind of disability.

How do I ask for more money in an injury settlement? ›

7 Tips for Successfully Negotiating for More Money with the Insurance Company
  1. Seek Legal Representation Right Away. ...
  2. Think About a Settlement Amount. ...
  3. Be Cautious About What You Reveal to the Adjuster. ...
  4. Don't Necessarily Accept First Offer. ...
  5. Request the Adjuster to Justify a Low Offer. ...
  6. Highlight Emotional Points.
Nov 9, 2022

What is an acceptable settlement offer? ›

Typical debt settlement offers range from 10% to 50% of the amount you owe. Creditors are under no obligation to accept an offer and reduce your debt, even if you are working with a reputable debt settlement company.

How do I ask for a bigger settlement? ›

You Can Negotiate a Settlement. Here's How
  1. Hold Onto Everything. ...
  2. Open an Insurance Claim in a Timely Manner. ...
  3. Estimate the Value of Your Claim Carefully. ...
  4. Write an Effective Demand Letter. ...
  5. Reject the Insurer's First Offer. ...
  6. Highlight Facts that Benefit You. ...
  7. Remain Calm During Negotiations. ...
  8. Hire a Lawyer to Help.

How long does it take to negotiate a settlement? ›

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

What is a success fee in personal injury cases? ›

A success fee is the amount of compensation a personal injury lawyer can take to cover their general services if your claim is successful. The success fee percentage is capped at 25% by law, meaning that your lawyer or solicitor can only take up to 25% of your compensation.

How long do most personal injury cases take? ›

How Long Will My Injury Claim Take?
  • How long does it typically take before a case settles or goes to trial?
  • It generally takes 1-3 years to reach a settlement or receive a verdict in a personal injury case.
  • Factors that impact the length of litigation.

What is a reasonable full and final settlement offer? ›

What percentage should I offer a full and final settlement? It depends on what you can afford, but you should offer equal amounts to each creditor as a full and final settlement. For example, if the lump sum you have is 75% of your total debt, you should offer each creditor 75% of the amount you owe them.

What would my settlement figure be? ›

What is a settlement figure? Simply put, it's the amount of money you have to pay back to the finance company to completely pay off your agreement. An early settlement figure is the amount outstanding, minus a rebate of interest and charges if you want to pay off your car finance early.

How do you negotiate a settlement figure? ›

How to Negotiate the Best Deal on Your Settlement Agreement
  1. Prepare Well for the Settlement Agreement Negotiation. ...
  2. Decide which negotiation tactics to use. ...
  3. Ask for a Protected Conversation with your Employer. ...
  4. Don't ask for too much. ...
  5. Don't ask for too little. ...
  6. Find out how the settlement payments will be taxed.

How do you respond to a low settlement offer? ›

To respond to a low settlement offer, evaluate the reasons for the offer. Determine the accurate value of the claim and the amount you are willing to accept to resolve it. Create a demand letter, provide more information or continue to pursue your legal claim as appropriate based on the circ*mstances.

Should I negotiate compensation? ›

In most cases, you should negotiate your salary when accepting a job offer. The reasons for negotiating are outlined in our “Reasons to ask for a higher starting salary” guide. However, sometimes negotiations can go wrong, losing you the job offer.

What is the final settlement amount? ›

Full and final settlement is the process followed by an employer when an employee resigns from the company. These proceedings include the employee's last month's salary plus any other additional earnings or deductions.

What is a bad settlement better than? ›

ANALYSIS: A bad settlement is better than a good judgement.

Should I just accept a settlement offer? ›

It is not in your best interest to accept a settlement offer without speaking with an attorney. The initial settlement offer from the insurance company is probably not fair. The offer may be much lower than the value of your damages. If the insurance company sends you a check, do not cash the check.

Why do lawyers often try to negotiate a settlement? ›

Generally, it is best to negotiate rather than litigate if at all possible. Most disputes can be resolved if two people will just remain reasonable and try to bargain for an agreement. Doing so also has the benefit of avoiding expensive attorney fees and litigation costs.

How do people pay large settlements? ›

Most settlements get paid through a check from the insurance company. You'll usually receive your funds from your lawyer after they've cleared the check and deducted any fees.

How do I get a settlement quote? ›

Obtaining a settlement figure means asking your lender how much is left to pay on your finance agreement. You might be thinking of changing your car, or you may have decided to pay off your finance balance early. Either way, you will need to contact your lender using the details on your finance documentation.

How many days is the average settlement? ›

As a general rule, property settlement periods are usually 30 to 90 days, but they can be longer or shorter. If you're only refinancing a loan from one lender to another, the refinance settlement process is much simpler.

How long does it take to get pain and suffering? ›

A personal injury lawyer familiar with civil claims and lawsuits can help you better understand how compensation works. The process of receiving your compensation for pain and suffering generally takes about six weeks, but the true timeline may vary.

How many days is settlement usually? ›

For most stock trades, settlement occurs two business days after the day the order executes, or T+2 (trade date plus two days). For example, if you were to execute an order on Monday, it would typically settle on Wednesday. For some products, such as mutual funds, settlement occurs on a different timeline.

What is best amount for bodily injury liability? ›

Financial experts recommend that you carry at least $100,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for one injured person and $300,000 to pay the expenses of multiple victims in an accident.

What is the best bodily injury liability? ›

The most common minimum requirement is 25/50/25, but most experts recommend limits of at least 50/100/50 for bodily injury and property damage liability ($50,000 per person, $100,000 per accident in bodily injury liability, and $50,000 per accident in property damage liability).

What is the difference between personal accident and personal injury cover? ›

Personal accident insurance pays out if you suffer a serious injury or die as a result of a car accident. It can also cover you if you become totally and permanently disabled. Personal injury insurance policies usually pay a fixed amount of money for specific injuries.

What is a 100% success fee? ›

the “uplift” or “success fee” is usually determined by the complexity and risk of the claim or defence, by reference to a %. the maximum % is 100%, which effectively doubles the solicitors fees in the event the claim or defence is successful.

What is a reasonable success fee? ›

When you sign a CFA, you agree to allow your solicitor to deduct a fixed percentage from your compensation if the claim is won. This is called a success fee. Legally, success fees are limited to 25% of your settlement when using a CFA. The fee is used to cover your solicitor's work and costs accrued during your claim.

How do you calculate success fee? ›

The success fee is calculated as a percentage of the standard charges. The standard charges are normally calculated on the amount of reasonable time spent on the case applying an hourly rate for each lawyer working on the case, though often only one lawyer is working on the case.

What is an example of an out of court settlement? ›

For example, imagine a case in which you are injured in a car accident. The other driver is at fault and agrees to pay you a certain amount of money through either their insurance company or out of pocket in order to settle the matter out of court.

How long does it take to litigate? ›

A case that arrives at the trial stage might take12 to 24 months. Large scale cases involving many witnesses and other complexities may take 18 to 24 months. Very large scale cases requiring lots of evidence, and people may take longer than 24 months.

How long do personal injury cases take to settle reddit? ›

In the fastest cases, a personal injury case may settle within a few weeks. On the other of the spectrum, personal injury litigation can take years.

How do you politely ask for a full and final settlement? ›

I am writing to request a full and final settlement of my payroll. As you know, I have recently resigned from my position at the company. I formally request that you process all outstanding payments owed as soon as possible. This includes any unpaid salary or benefits due to me until my last working day.

Is it better to accept a settlement or pay in full? ›

It's better to pay off a debt in full (if you can) than settle. Summary: Ultimately, it's better to pay off a debt in full than settle. This will look better on your credit report and help you avoid a lawsuit. If you can't afford to pay off your debt fully, debt settlement is still a good option.

Can I negotiate with full and final settlement? ›

If you do have access to money to make a Full and Final Settlement offer, then you can negotiate with creditors for debt settlement. You do not have to make the same offer to all your creditors. You need to be sensible when it comes to making an offer.

What is the formula for settlement amount? ›

The general formula most insurers use to measure settlement worth is the following: (Special damages x multiplier reflecting general damages) + lost wages = settlement amount.

Why is my settlement figure lower than my balance? ›

Your balance might be lower than your settlement figure because of a Direct Debit payment you've made. A Direct Debit could still go out after you get a settlement figure and before you pay off your loan. This will reduce the amount you owe and make your balance lower.

What is the early settlement value? ›

An early settlement figure is the amount still owed, plus interest and charges if you want to pay off your car finance early. Our settlement figure calculator does not include any additional penalty charges that may be incurred.

What is a drop hands settlement? ›

A drop hands offer or settlement is a type of agreement during Employment Tribunal or Court proceedings where you and your employer agree to walk away and each bear your own costs.

What is reasonable to negotiate? ›

If the Offer Is 5-10% Lower Than What You're Looking For. If you wait to negotiate until you get the offer, a “reasonable” counteroffer usually means $5,000-10,000, or 5-10% more than the company offers. When an offer is around that range but lower than what you're looking for, this is a good time to negotiate.

What happens once a settlement is reached? ›

After a case is settled, meaning that the case did not go to trial, the attorneys receive the settlement funds, prepare a final closing statement, and give the money to their clients. Once the attorney gets the settlement check, the clients will also receive their balance check.

Why are settlement offers so low? ›

When the insurance company thinks the victim is partially at fault or that he or she does not have a strong case, they may be more likely to make a lowball offer. The insurance company does not feel much pressure if they think you have a weak case.

Why is the first settlement offer so low? ›

You Should Expect the First Settlement Offer to Be Low

Above all else, the company is attempting to make money. The more the company pays out in settlements, the less money it will bring in. Of course, the insurance company also has a legal obligation to pay out full and fair injury settlements.

How do you propose a settlement offer? ›

Writing the Settlement Offer Letter

Include your personal contact information, full name, mailing address, and account number. Specify the amount that you can pay, as well as what you expect from the creditor in return. A good starting point for negotiation could be offering around 30% of the amount that you owe.

When should you not negotiate pay? ›

Don't negotiate your salary until you have a firm offer. Don't try to get one company to match another company's offer. Don't rely on the estimates you see on a salary website. Don't fixate only on money.

When should you not negotiate? ›

Better Alternative – If your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) far surpasses your need to negotiate, then don't negotiate. Having a superior BATNA that exceeds even the best possible outcome of any negotiation scenario, is simply a waste of time.

How do you politely ask for a counter offer? ›

These guidelines can help you effectively communicate your expectations to an employer:
  1. State clear reasons backed with research. ...
  2. Communicate other job offers. ...
  3. Emphasize your sought-after skills. ...
  4. Formulate your wants as requests rather than demands. ...
  5. Use polite, neutral terms. ...
  6. Edit and proofread.
Dec 3, 2022

How do you calculate settlement offer? ›

The general formula most insurers use to measure settlement worth is the following: (Special damages x multiplier reflecting general damages) + lost wages = settlement amount.

Can you negotiate a settlement offer? ›

You Cannot Negotiate After You Accept a Settlement Offer

In the typical settlement, you agree to accept money in exchange for terminating your lawsuit and/or giving up your legal rights against the other party.

How do you calculate final settlement? ›

Calculated as the number of days of compensation multiplied by the gross salary divided by 26 (Avg. number of working days per month). Non-availed leaves & bonuses: Non-availed leaves and any bonus or credits, which as per the Company policy, can be encashed by the employee during the settlement.

Do insurance companies always offer a settlement? ›

Unless the insurance representative has a solid reason not to pay the claim, you can almost always expect a settlement offer after filing a claim with an insurance company.

What is the settlement formula? ›

Therefore, to determine the settlements, it is necessary to know: the course of vertical stresses σz with depth. The settlement-generating base stress σ1 = σ0 - γ • h must be used, taking into consideration the stress reduction by the excavation unloading for the embedment depth of the foundations.

How long do negotiations take for a settlement? ›

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

How long does it take to get a counter offer for a settlement? ›

A counteroffer is typically the act of offering an alternative number that they would like you to agree to, but you don't have to agree. Negotiations can take weeks to several months to years and usually come to an end when both parties are agreeable to a number that has been offered.

What is a bracket in settlement negotiations? ›

For purposes of this discussion, “Bracket Negotiations” may be defined as the process of negotiating toward a final, single dollar settlement amount through the exchange of conditional proposals to commence negotiations within an adjusted demand and an adjusted offer that, if accepted, results in a smaller negotiating ...

Does a settlement hurt your credit? ›

Can debt settlement hurt your credit? Because creditors report debt settlement to the credit bureaus, it can indeed have a negative impact on your credit score and can stay on your credit report for years to come.


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