480 Affirmations For Work Success And Beat Stress​ - Unfinished Success (2024)

Table of Contents

For most of us, work is a big part of our lives.

We work at least 8-10 hours each day, which represents over a third of our time.

Having the right mindset and attitude can make a big difference to our experience in the workplace, which is why I wish to share this post about affirmations for work with you.

Whether you are facing work stress, having a challenge of overcoming some problems or interacting with your colleagues, I have got you covered.

By following the affirmations here and developing a positive mentality towards work, you will find yourself becoming more productive, creative, and ultimately find more success in your career.

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What are positive affirmations for work?

As you might already know, we spend lots of time at our workplace.

Some find it fun and fulfilling, but there are some of you out there that get stressed over it.

Lack of money (check out debt free affirmations), lack of promotion opportunities, difficulty finding a job.

These are all legitimate problems that you face.

But tackling these problems with a negative mindset will only make things worse.

A shift in thinking can help you get through your days better and spur you to make the right decisions to improve your life and career.

Positive affirmations for work are short sentences that help you improve your work experience.

It changes the way your subconscious mind thinks, and that is incredibly powerful.

You become what you think, and when you are able to remove the negativity in your mind, you will start to see changes in your life.

By doing so, you turn the dread of going to work into a positive experience that you can look forward to each day.

Still think this is a whole lot of fluff? I don’t think so.

The fact that you are here means that you are ready to accept help, and reciting affirmations for work is a harmless yet ultra-effective way to turn life around.

Why should you use affirmations for work?

A lot of what goes through our minds is determined long ago by different things we go through.

We might have a toxic family environment that are not supportive of us, or friends who infuse bad thinking into our brains, or just negative experiences in our previous workplace.

All of these add up and seep deep into our subconscious mind and make us form a behavior.

This behavior is mostly negative and limits us from fulfilling our best selves.

By using positive affirmations daily, we can rewire our thoughts and get focused on what we want to achieve.

Here’s one scenario that I always see play out in the office:

Guy is passionate about his job and has lots of good ideas.

He brings them to his boss but almost instantly gets shot down every time.

He feels defeated and starts thinking he is not good enough and keeps all his ideas to himself.

He stays like this for the rest of his working life.

If he had changed this mindset and thought positively instead, he could have come up with solutions to get his boss to buy in, find a better job elsewhere who appreciates him or keep trying to prove his value.

Not saying this is a guarantee for success, but it sure beats moping and feeling sorry for himself.

When to use work affirmations?

Now that you have a good idea of what affirmations can do for you, when should you apply them? For me, I typically set aside time each morning when there is no one around and I have my me time.

I treat it like a meditation session and recite the affirmations that relate to what I am focusing on during that time.

It could be different for you.

I recommend that you set aside a fixed period each day so that it can become part of your routine.

This way, you are less likely to forget about it.

At the workplace, you can use work affirmations as and when you are faced with a challenging situation.

Here are the most common ones where affirmations can give you a helping hand:

Facing an upcoming job interview!

Searching for a job

First day of work

Communication with colleagues

Presenting in a meeting

Mean colleagues

Impending deadline

The list goes on, so be sure to make affirmations personal for you.

What are the most common problems you face at work? Or what are you trying to focus on the most? Having a few go to affirmations can really put you where you should be.

Do affirmations really work?

Lots of research have shown that affirmations can have a positive impact on one’s life, such as decision-making, outlook, and self-confidence. Here’s one you can check out.

The thing is, affirmations only work if you take action.

That sounds like a difficult task, but when you start reciting daily affirmations, you are actually changing the way your brain thinks.

And by doing so, you will start to do the actions required to achieve your goals.

In other words, affirmations are a great building block for you to get off your ass and start making change! Affirmations alone cannot physically get your things, but it improves your mood, it gives you confidence and self trust, and put you in the driver’s seat to solve problems.

Bring out the forever optimist in you now!

List Of The Best Work Success Affirmations To Keep You Positive

Each of us faces a different challenge in the workplace.

Some find it stressful, some can’t deal with their bosses, some can’t handle their own emotions.

Whichever situation you find yourself in, affirmations have a way to help you develop the right mindset to beat the challenge.

I think it is also a way to practice self-care by reaffirming to yourself that you can overcome the odds and find success in your own ways.

The list below contains a wide range of situations you might face.

I recommend that you do not skip them and slowly browse through them to find the ones that you resonate with the most.

Adapt them to suit your own unique situation and start affirming success!

You can also download the free affirmations worksheet below for a simple guide to help you along.

Affirmations to deal with work stress

As I am inspired, I strive to be an inspiration to others.

I maintain a positive outlook even in the face of difficult changes.

This job is a stepping stone to something great.

I am positive and optimistic.

I believe things will always work out for the best.

I have everything I need to create my own opportunities.

Today is a delightful day.

I keep matters in perspective so that I can always make the best decisions.

I am creative, skilled, and talented.

I have a choice in the path I take.

I further my career every day. (read more: Career success affirmations)

I can do anything, but I can’t do everything.

I am thankful for my salary.

Positive statements for the workplace

I believe in myself, my inner strength, and my unlimited potential.

I am full of energy and wisdom.

I interact with difficult coworkers without taking matters personally.

This job is what I do and I do it well. But it does not define who I am.

I accept my imperfections with love.

I am more effective when I take breaks for self-care.

I am not where I want to be but I’m willing to do the work needed to get better.

I will do my best to help my teammates.

I confidently overcome any challenge placed before me.

I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and my financial situation reflects that.

I choose to be positive and confident.

I bring a positive attitude to work every day.

I took up a demanding job as a challenge.

I am doing a really good job today.

Every mistake is an opportunity to learn.

I will deal with obstacles with composure, confidence, and competence.

The people I love deserve better than how we are living.

I’m working to give them more.

I bring value to my organization.

Positive affirmations for employees

I am determined to be successful at work.

I am going to keep the promises I made to myself and accomplish every goal I’ve written down.

I am a Doer, and I will accomplish my goals.

I am blessed and highly favored.

I allow myself to say no when my intuition says so.

I am flexible, willing to change, and open to new working methods and strategies.

I love what I do.

My calm demeanor and friendly disposition will diffuse any tension with colleagues.

I accept responsibility for my own happiness and development.

I always have the ability to calm myself and others.

I am a valuable asset to my company.

I accept everyone for who they are, including myself.

I have the power to choose, and I choose to be successful.

I encourage others to grow.

I am grateful for past experiences that have made me stronger and wiser.

I can give my best when I take care of me.

I am an example of integrity, even when no one is looking.

Even in the midst of chaos my inner world remains tranquil.

I have learned to expect the unexpected and am always mentally prepared to respond appropriately.

Affirmations for women at work

I strive to give my best in all that I do.

Every day I grow more confident in myself and my abilities.

I am proud of what I have accomplished.

As a team we celebrate our differences and draw upon each other’s strong points.

I achieve my desired outcome through focus and determination.

I am focused and am moving closer to my professional goals every day.

I am more than capable of leading projects.

I have a positive impact on people around me.

I fully accept myself and know that I am worthy of great things in life.

No more wasting my time and energy on comparing, complaining and competing.

From now on it’s full focus on creating.

I am happy in my role and am set up for success.

I have more than enough value to offer the world.

All my work is a self-transformative process, bringing inner peace, excellent health and prosperity to myself and others.

I am an important addition to my company.

This too shall pass. For every low, there is a high.

Every new challenge is an opportunity to grow.

I deserve to enjoy my work in a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.

I will not stoop down to anyone’s level but will keep my head high and chin up.

I make smart moves and decisions.

I don’t need to be embarrassed that I’m not where I want to be because I will reach there eventually.

I accept criticism as constructive feedback that helps me learn and grow.

I believe that I have everything I need to be successful.

I am a force to be reckoned with.

I am confident in my ability to get things done.

Nothing can stop me from achieving my goals.

I will make decisions based on the highest aspirations and not desperation.

I am focused on the tasks ahead.

Positive affirmations for coworkers

Amazing opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life.

I see a fresh new day filled with unlimited opportunities for me and my business.

I am at peace with colleagues.

I welcome the balance of work and self-care.

I choose to live in the present moment.

There is no hurdle I cannot get the better of when I put my mind to it.

I sense love and support from my colleagues.

Mistakes are simply opportunities for growth.

I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.

I am ready to take myself to the next level.

I am centered and at peace of mind.

I air my own grievances and listen to those of others with dignity and respect.

I allow my faith to steer me in the right direction.

I spread light to those around me.

I believe in my skills and talents.

I know can do better.

Positive affirmations for boss

So instead of settling, I’m going to do better.

I will work honestly.

I will put my heart and soul into my work.

I will respond constructively and avoid personal criticism and scoring points.

I bring positive energy to work with my optimism and enthusiasm.

I will stand by the best decisions that I make and then give it my all to reach the end goal.

I let go of the need to compare my life to others.

When I see opportunities for improvement I take the initiative to lead the way.

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Affirmations for workplace safety

I accept me as I am, and release the need for approval.

I respect myself, so others may respect me.

I am happy that the work I do benefits me as well as the society I live in.

My life is beautiful.

I choose to feel good today.

Fresh ideas come to me easily, even on the most challenging projects.

I have the self-discipline to maintain clarity about the big picture while I focus on the task at hand.

My comfort zone keeps expanding more and more.

Affirmations for work ethic

I am reaching for my dreams.

I love me unconditionally.

I have the perfect team of people with unique approaches to our common vision.

I have the drive and motivation to pursue my goals.

I am excellent at my job.

I embrace the greatness within me.

I am proud of my culture, upbringing and experiences; they made me who I am.

I am well-prepared, and I will conduct the meeting successfully.

I am valued and my salary represents this.

I have the skills and the will to turn adversity into an opportunity.

We all benefit from our group’s shared passion and dedication.

I work very hard, and I always do my best. I believe in myself. I can do everything!

I am consistent in my work. Every day I deliver something of value.

Nothing can upset or overwhelm me.

Daily affirmations for work

I am free to say no when I need me time.

I am an inspiring mentor.

I am comfortable allowing my light to shine in all situations.

I stay true to my core values and authentic self.

I am a good listener.

I accomplish what I set out to do.

No one has the power to stop my dreams from coming true.

I am talented enough to complete the work on time.

I recognize that every difficulty offers opportunity to learn and grow.

All the hard work I put in will pay off soon.

I protect my energy by making positivity a priority.

I choose a peaceful and stress-free life.

I keep calm and maintain my peace of mind in challenging situations.

I am worthy of financial freedom and stability.

I will learn from today and be even better tomorrow.

I am happy with my growth in this moment.

I am capable of overcoming any hurdles that come at me.

I will resolve any conflicts with composure and focus on win-win outcomes.

I am empowered to grow every day.

My goals are worth accomplishing.

Positive affirmations for work stress

My team respects and values my contribution.

I clear my mind and release the energy of today.

I have great ideas, and I will articulate them in the meeting convincingly.

I am optimistic for what’s to come.

I strive for excellence in every aspect of my professional growth.

My life is heading in the right direction.

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Affirmations for workplace ethics

I release my anger and open my mind to calm, relaxing thoughts.

I will not let anything affect my vision and goals.

I have all the patience I need when dealing with small details.

With each new sunrise I feel more comfortable in my own skin.

I am adept at handling any situation.

I am not going to give in to my doubts. I know I’m not where I want to be right now but I will get there eventually if I keep working.

I enjoy being in my work space.

I allow others to grow at their own pace.

I love my job.

As I breathe out tension, I breathe in calmness.

My self-talk is loving and supportive.

I am willing to find joy in all situations.

Affirmations for job success

I am organized and productive at work.

I am getting closer to where I want to be.

I am attracted to good energy and it attracts me.

I am a valued and respected part of my team.

These workouts are investments into a better me.

Who I’m becoming will thank me later for the work I’m putting in now.

I always remain balanced during stressful situations.

I live in the present, knowing this moment is perfect.

I trust myself and my talents.

I am deserving of respect.

My vibes attract my tribe.

Each day I am learning to become a better me.

My work fulfills, inspires and enriches me.

Positive work affirmations

I am free to evolve and release anything that takes away from my growth.

I remember to empathize with others.

I am growing and prospering every day.

I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I do my very best to maintain good relations with my colleagues.

I embrace myself exactly as I am.

I am good at my job, and my work will shine through.

I am at peace.

No one can make me feel small without my permission.

I love my job and enjoy working with team members.

I let go of all urges to criticize or blame.

I respect and use my knowledge and special skills.

I create opportunities for myself and my business. (check out business affirmations)

I will encourage participation and build consensus in the meeting.

I am creative, resourceful, and an expert problem solver.

I remain calm during crisis situations and have a calming affect on others.

I have to keep talking to myself more positively.

I’m going to practice until it becomes a habit and I’m going to work on the habit every day until it feels natural.

I release the need to prove my worth.

I am only here to be truly helpful.

A situation is neither good nor bad. It just is.

I deliver my work to the best of my ability.

My mind is clear and I am thinking with clarity.

I don’t need to be the loudest voice in the room to have an impact.

I trust my intuition and listen to my inner voice.

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Affirmations for work success

I am appreciated by my bosses, clients, and colleagues.

I am completely focused on getting great results.

I always push myself to do better and improve.

I am free of anxiety and worries.

I am grateful for every experience that helps me understand others and improve my relationships.

My work has purpose and transforms people’s lives.

Tonight I’m deciding that my goals are more important than going out and chilling.

I’ll have other times to relax, but tonight I got to get focused and work.

I am happy with my progress and will keep moving forward.

I am almost at the finish line.

I know I have what it takes to accomplish my goals.

I will get closer to my goals with dedication and diligence.

I am successful in everything I do

I listen to my body when it needs rest.

I am fully prepared for any situation.

I always attract the most helpful people and opportunities.

I look good and I feel great!

I am focused completely on achieving my goals.

I am making plans for who I know I’m going to become. All of this work isn’t for nothing.

People love having me around

Everyone around me is pleasant, positive, and supportive.

Every day I take at least one step that moves me closer to my goals.

I am calm and in control at work.

My mistakes do not define me or my future performances.

Every day is a learning opportunity.

I value balance in every area of my life.

It is okay to make mistakes.

Today and everyday I choose to radiate light.

Everything I need I already have.

I successfully complete key tasks on time and within budget.

I am grateful for all the vastly different ideas and opinions of my coworkers.

I have the humility to walk in the truth of who I am.

I embrace other women of color with open arms.

I deserve to be rich and successful.

Working together, my team is unstoppable.

I am brimming with energy and ready to face the day.

I am willing to see obstacles as opportunities.

I seek to understand the thoughts of others without judgement.

I am talented and smart.

I choose progress over perfection and take one positive step forward.

I choose to let go of all self-judgment.

I deserve to take breaks between tasks.

I rock at this job, and will bring more excitement to it.

I am going to have a great day at work today.

Leadership comes naturally to me.

I possess the humility needed to ask questions and keep learning.

I am free to let go of anything that no longer serves me.

My body is relaxed and I sense tension dissolving.

I stay abreast of current industry trends without being distracted by passing fads.

Success and wealth come easily to me.

My team always works with energy, enthusiasm, and a powerful, positive attitude.

I am grateful for the opportunities and rewards of my job.

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Affirmations for men at work

I am a positive influence and surround myself with like people.

I am in control of my life.

I receive feedback with a good attitude.

My muscles are relaxed, and my mind is at peace.

When I look beyond my frustrations I see the unlimited possibilities of the universe.

Asking for help is not a sign of failure.

I am going to make this day count.

I am woman, hear me roar.

I welcome peacefulness as my natural state of being.

A goal I’m setting for myself is to exercise and eat well every day.

I release the need for judgment and to be judged.

Pressure situations bring out the best in me.

I will accomplish every goal and realize every dream.

My work inspires me to grow by reaching beyond my comfort zone.

I choose to learn and grow every day, no matter what work or life throws at me.

I can feel the stress melting away.

I let go of my work related stress.

I am proud of the efforts I put in for my work.

Positive affirmations for difficult colleagues

I enjoy making money and strive to have fun in every aspect of my work.

I come to work with the best intentions.

I am going to create my own opportunities I’m not going to sit around and wait for somebody to come to help me out.

I am entering a season of fulfilled goals, prosperity and abundance.

I am releasing the negative energy from my body.

Each team member takes pride in always rising to the challenge at hand.

I work well under pressure and face deadlines with quiet, steady confidence.

I am grateful for my job.

I am full of possibilities and ready for action.

I am willing to put in the work to succeed on this project.

I am grateful to be where I am while I look forward to the new job that is coming.

I am free from stress.

As my breathing gets slower and deeper, I sense tension flowing out of my mind.

I am prepared to handle all tasks that come to me.

I love myself the way I am.

I am becoming the best version of myself.

I am calm and relaxed in pressure situations.

I recognize the value of having a wide variety of individual perspectives.

I am rewarded for my hard work.

I am letting go of my fears and anxieties.

My worth is not defined by my to-do list.

My mistakes do not define me or dictate my future success.

It’s okay to pause and take a break but I don’t give up.

Now isn’t the time to wish I had done more before, It’s time for me to double up and do more now.

Every day I am growing into a stronger, more confident person.

I am an attentive listener and value the importance of honest communication.

I am going to nail this.

My voice matters, I am confident to speak up in the right moments.

I pursue continuing education to hone my existing skills and learn new ones.

I am resilient and patient.

One day at a time, one step at a time.

Challenges are just opportunities to prove my worth.

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Affirmations for work anxiety

Peaceful and calm is my natural state.

This morning I let go of any limiting beliefs that have been holding me back.

I am surrounded by supportive people.

With each new sunrise my self-confidence grows.

I know when I put my all into my work I am rewarded greatly.

I am creative and resourceful, and I quickly adapt to new roles and responsibilities.

I am respected by my team and colleagues.

No one is better at my job than I am.

I am attracting new opportunities.

I always achieve my work goals.

I let go of my need to control everything around my workplace.

I won’t compare my behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel.

I surround myself with loving, positive energy.

I will thrive in my opportunities because I have earned them.

The universe has my back

There are things I can’t change or have no control over. I am okay with that.

I am successful.

I welcome positive vibes into my life.

I am letting go of my fears and worries with slow and deliberate deep breaths.

All of these late nights and are going to pay off one day.

I’m going to keep working until I am where I know I belong.

The collective abilities of my team members provide everything needed for success.

Today and every day, I bring light into the workplace with me! I refuse to allow anyone to extinguish my light!

Every difficult experience is a learning experience.

I am successful at work.

Recent challenges do not negate my successes.

I am going to stay focused on my goals.

Let them gossip about whatever they want too.

I have to keep going even when I don’t feel inspired.

I am shattering the glass ceiling.

Everything is going to be okay.

I am disciplined and dependable.

I am where I am supposed to be in this moment.

I improve myself for me.

I have a strong work ethic and am driven to succeed.

I take periodical breaks to unwind and relax so I don’t get overworked.

I pursue my goals with enthusiasm and joy.

I will express my thoughts crisply and coherently to make my content compelling.

Today I leave all negativity behind me as I step into a positive and purposeful now.

I use challenges to create new opportunities.

I take the time to breathe before I react.

I am doing my best to succeed at work.

I am a team player with respect and appreciation for my coworkers.

I realize I will have my bad days and I welcome these challenges for my growth.

I get credited for skill and effort at work.

I focus on the knowledge and skills that always serve me well in any circ*mstances.

My boss recognizes my abilities and acknowledges my value to the company.

I am a natural born leader.

My decisions are a result of a rational set of facts, figures, forecasts and intuition, and not on emotions.

I am building my skillset so I can rely on my talents to make a living.

I am creating a work life that inspires and motivates me.

I feel comfortable interacting and working with people.

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Positive affirmations for work colleagues

I choose not to worry about the future.

I am open to constructive criticism and welcome improvement.

I treat my colleagues with kindness.

I am open to learning from this challenge.

I’ve got this.

I am grateful for all the good people who work with me.

I am capable of incredible growth.

I am full of new ideas.

I am fueled by passion for what I do, not the desire to prove something.

I am naturally driven towards success.

My time is valuable and I use it wisely.

I am a team player and can get along well with others.

I accept myself with all my flaws and I don’t feel the need for approval.

No more giving up when I feel tired. I’m going to give my best until my goals are complete.

I know that all of this is going to pay off. I just have to stay consistent.

It’s not always easy but this is all going to work out in the end.

I choose to let go of my worries and am committed to learn better ways to cope with stress.

I believe in personal accountability and always accept responsibility for my mistakes.

I bring something unique to the table by simply being me.

I love my organization and I enjoy working here.

I am free to have regular TLC and moments to relax.

Success is coming to me through the right opportunities.

I will go through my work day with purpose, passion, and persistence.

My work is always recognized for excellence.

Short positive affirmations for work

Taking an hour to unplug and recharge my batteries will help me go 12 more.

I make self-care a priority because it’s essential for self-love.

I have a job that allows me to fully express my individuality and unique talents.

I am enough.

I am growing as a human being through my work.

My income is constantly increasing.

I release all tension from my work.

My goals are ambitious, and I deserve nothing less.

My well-being is my top priority.

I am open and prepared for my next promotion.

It’s okay to work hard, but it’s not okay to work so hard that my work is no longer effective.

Every morning I feel grateful for all my past accomplishments, large and small.

My emotions [regarding work situation] are valid.

I have everything within my grasp to be successful.

I will give my absolute best for this job.

I envision myself as wealthy in every area of my life and work toward that reality.

I feel rested, alert, and eager to continue my journey toward success.

New professional growth is coming my way.

I am energized and ready to slay the day.

I’ll not let doubts kill my dreams.

I deserve to be happy and successful.

My wins are coming soon.

I just have to remain patient and keep working.

I am patient with myself and those around me.

I am deeply fulfilled in all that I put into my work and enjoy receiving my earnings.

Every day I am learning to become a better me.

I may disagree but will try my best not to be disagreeable.

When I keep my peace, I protect my energy.

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Positive affirmations for staff

I am going to have a productive day.

I am proud of what I’ve done and what I’m doing.

I know how to set priorities and create agendas that keep me organized.

I will make every interaction at work positive and professional.

I am not defined by my job.

Someone else’s success empowers me to keep growing.

Good things happen naturally to me.

Happy and relaxed is my normal state of mind.

I handle stressful things with wisdom and clarity.

I am the creator of my success.

Things are going to work out for me. I just have to keep putting in the work to make that happen.

I am doing my very best.

I can do this as well as anybody else.

I respect myself and am deserving of respect from others.

I am a unique individual with a uniquely valuable perspective.

I am grateful for my position in the organization.

I surrender my problems to a higher power.

I surround myself with supportive and encouraging people.

I am patient and respectful when helping or teaching my coworkers.

I am treated well and respected at work.

I will convey my thoughts politely and accept there are many points of view.

I am building a supportive network that encourages and motivates me.

I know I can’t control how my boss and co-workers treat me but I can control my reactions.

I am brimming with positive energy.

I am not defined by my past.

My past cannot prevent me from succeeding now or in the future.

I value every individual on my team and am committed to our group success.

As I release all stressful thoughts and feelings, I have a calming effect on everyone around me.

I am focused and able to accomplish my goals.

I am calm and relaxed.

All the hard work I’m putting into this job is paying off.

The perfect job is on its way to me and gets closer every day.

I exhale stress and inhale calmness.

I want to maintain is consistency. Every day do one productive thing to get closer to my goals.

I accept all that I am with love.

I believe that I can do this.

I will bring more sales to the company.

I am happy for other people’s success.

Each new day brings an exciting array of challenges and possibilities.

I am confident in my presentation skills.

My doubts will not kill my dreams. I’m going to work until I’m where I want to be.

I am f*cking awesome.

I will strive to be the best that I can be, and my company is lucky to have me.

I always find the mentors I need.

I find ways to work smarter, not harder.

No more letting bad days distract me from my goals.

I am talented and capable.

I trust that my journey is leading me to success.

I am content with letting go of control.

I am motivated, consistent and determined.

I am courageous to face my fears.

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Positive affirmations for success at work

I am confident about my life and my abilities.

I try to give my best in everything I do.

I choose to react positively to any situation I come across.

Stress and work pressure have no place in my life.

I am content with what is.

I am an alpha male and I will lead my team to success.

I am grateful for having a job.

I am open to constructive criticism.

I am an articulate speaker and am comfortable making presentations.

I have amazing qualities for this job.

I am one step closer to my dream job with every action I take

I release all destructive emotions and calmly reclaim my personal power.

I can transform obstacles into opportunities to better myself.

I feel calm and centered even in hard situations.

I choose to address stress from a calm and peaceful place.

I am a good asset to this company.

I have a wonderful job, in a wonderful way, I give wonderful service, for wonderful pay!

Today I have the courage to step out of my comfort zone and discover exciting new opportunities.

My co workers respect me.

I take calculated risks that bring me wealth.

I will treat each failure as a stepping stone to success.

I deserve good things

I forgive myself for the mistakes committed in the past.

Being successful at work is easy for me.

I deserve respect and recognition.

I acknowledge my own worth and remain confident in myself and my abilities.

I am worthy of respect from ALL those around me.

I am attracting financial abundance and have peace of mind.

I am the source of my own happiness.

I have the potential to do my best and achieve great things.

Other resources:

  • Read Now: How many affirmations should I say a day? 8 burning questions answered
  • Read Now: How long does it take for affirmations to work?​ All you need to make it work
  • Read Now: How to write an affirmation letter to yourself? Examples and tips to guide you
  • Read Now: Here are great sale affirmations for success

480 Affirmations For Work Success And Beat Stress​ - Unfinished Success (10)

Karla Hanson

480 Affirmations For Work Success And Beat Stress​ - Unfinished Success (2024)


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Article information

Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 6642

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.